What’s up, Docker?

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Docker. It’s a technology I’d heard of several years ago and hadn’t looked into. I finally started reading about it. It looked interesting and I’ve been wondering about using it in my Laravel development workflows.

One of my goals in transition to Docker is to remove MAMP from my workflow.

Docker… for MacOS? Does it exist? Yes – https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/

What happened when I tried to install it? Before I could even download it I had to sign up for a Docker ID. Once I signed up and gave more personal information than I think should be necessary, the system appeared to forget that I wanted to download the system.

Let’s hope that in 2020 we developers build software that remembers what the user was trying to do before we made them sign up and give us their personal information.

I navigated back to the download page and tried again. At least this time I had a Docker ID and got to proceed to the actual download process – which told me it would take about two hours. Some 30-45 minutes later the download was completed. I double-clicked the downloaded file and was invited to drag the Docker.dmg icon into the Application folder. Before I do that, I want to ensure that the application actually works on my machine.

What happened when I tried to run it? It didn’t work. A window popped up with the message,

Environment error
Virtualization is disabled.
Docker Desktop needs Hypervisor, which requires virtualization support from macOS.
Check your BIOS to enable it.

I’m not ready to mess around with the BIOS settings today. Using Docker will have to wait.