git bisect skip

posted in: Tech Journal | 0

I was doing a git bisect in my current development branch of Hello Bruce Trail to help nail down a particular problem. At a certain point I reached a commit that I could not test properly to determine whether it … Continued

What’s up, Docker?

posted in: Tech Journal | 0

Docker. It’s a technology I’d heard of several years ago and hadn’t looked into. I finally started reading about it. It looked interesting and I’ve been wondering about using it in my Laravel development workflows. One of my goals in … Continued

Rabid Beaver

posted in: Blog | 0

Customer: “What happens if I don’t pay?” Seller: “Then we send over a rabid beaver to gnaw off your arms.” Customer: (looks shocked) Seller: “Just kidding, ha ha!” Customer: (looks quizically at seller) Seller: “He’ll probaly just start with your … Continued

KL takes a tumble

posted in: Investment | 0

KL took a big dip today. It really took a tumble. Came down like the snow came down last week. I chased the alerts down to around $43.30. It seemed to let up there, holding around $43.70. What does all … Continued